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Saturday, May 30, 2020

South Africa said Fruit is Life

In Cotonou, Republic of Benin, young people were interviewed who ate fruits and vegetables (teenagers at school). Most adults in the 35- to the 64-year-old community have been found to consume less than the recommended daily intake, while about 97 g are common among fruits and vegetables among adolescents. of the school year. This led to a panel discussion on fruits and vegetables in some public schools in Cotonou. The choice of school takes into account the financing of parents and classes of pupils. As a result, schools in the most profitable and prosperous areas were explored.

As a result of conversations with the students, they have not yet received information about fruit and vegetables (food education) in schools. They believe that unhealthy foods (sweets and biscuits) contain nutrients such as fruits and vegetables. - Three-quarters of students in private schools think that their parents bought fruit and vegetables at home. But only a few people in public schools say this. Parental influences are also the main reason why young students eat fruit and vegetables.

Factors related to their growth are preferences, nutrition and health information about fruits and vegetables, and cultural beliefs. Many students don't eat fruits and vegetables every day, except tomatoes and onions, which are often used in daily meals. Other resources such as food safety, fruit and vegetable consumption, recipe, and health benefits for students. The study concluded that suppliers of these products should be in a school setting to increase fruit and vegetable intake in children in schools. Parents also play an important role, while young people from poor families need attention.

Another study examined the knowledge and consumption of fruit and vegetables among schoolchildren in the Nigerian state of Lagos. Most students are well acquainted with the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables. Only 5.45% of the students ate the recommended daily dose of 400 g or five times a day. As students noted, the main factors that can be successful in learning fruits and vegetables are parental consumption, promoting and adhering to regulations, and bringing in fruits and vegetables. Research has therefore shown that older students should be encouraged to eat healthily.

In South Africa, Peltzer and Phaswana-Mafuya conducted a study of the consumption of fruits and vegetables in people aged 50 years and older. It was a survey of 3840 countries. The results of the analysis found that 68.5% of the elderly had a high proportion of fruits and vegetables, as their diet was found to be consumed on average four times a day. Those who predicted insufficient fruit and vegetables were men, poor education, obesity, no religious commitment, poor quality of life, daily smoking, and a black African. of color. This study shows a growing awareness of the potential of fruits and vegetables in adults in South Africa.

In addition, the Layade and Adeoye study conducted a study of fruit and vegetable consumption by university students in Oyo State. The study found that fruits, bananas, and watermelons were popular, while papaya and cashews were popular. For vegetables, it is the most common leaf, while Celosia argentea is the best. Health benefits, enjoyment, and access are key factors of student interest.

Several students consume more vegetables and vegetables a day. In matters related to the increase in fruit and vegetables among the respondents, we included student enrollment, gender, parental support, availability, and accessibility. The aim of this study is to provide a more comprehensive view of fruit and vegetable growth.
Ilesanmi et al suggested diet, body composition, and dietary requirements. Exploring teenage school students in Nigeria. Eating fruit in older children is better than expected. Adolescents whose parents have socioeconomic status can be more productive. The fruits of the students are apples; The study also found that awareness of the health benefits of fruit consumption would increase. Fruit must be available and accessible to young people in order to increase their consumption.

In addition, a study by Mintah et al. It is designed to explore barriers to the fruit consumption of students at public universities in Ghana. The results show that higher prices and a higher level of satisfaction are the keys to preventing the consumption of fruit and vegetables. Eating low carbohydrates is caused by the fact that eating grains do not satisfy students that they cannot eat fruit to satisfy hunger. 65% of students did not eat fruits and vegetables, which they recommended from 2 to 4 meals a day according to USDA 1992. Students are offered fruits such as oranges, apples, pineapple. , pear, banana, mango, pear, tangerine, and watermelon. The most popular fruits fell in order: pear, tangerine, apple, banana, guava, watermelon, and pineapple. This study requires awareness and knowledge of fruits to improve public health, especially among university students and the general public.

In addition, Banwell et al. Eating fruits and vegetables alive in Jos Nigeria. Most respondents had detailed knowledge of dietary principles.Respondents cite the rate of intake and availability of fruit and vegetables at the time as a reason for less consumption. To improve the consumption of fruit and vegetables in the study area, health professionals can use social media and health interviews to inform respondents and increase the need. In order to reduce fruit and vegetable expenditure, families are also required to have a place to harvest crops to ensure their fruit intake and consumption throughout the year.

In Ghana, Kpodo et al. Examined the nutritional and nutritional preferences of biologists for fruits and vegetables. The study was conducted with 449 students, most of whom (59.6%) ate vegetables at least three times a day, while only a third of them ate 1 or 2 servings of fruit. three times a day. Day. The fruits most scientists find most common are bananas, mangoes, and watermelons. The least consumed are apples and papaya. Tomatoes and onions are usually eaten for vegetables; Quality, convenience, and cost are the three factors that influence the quality of food. Most of them buy fruits (38.6%) and vegetables (45.8%), which is enough for one activity, and they eat these fruits and vegetables to their advantage. Health. The most popular fruits are bananas, apples, and watermelons, while vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, and onions are preferred by students for consumption.
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